News Articles

ABA Awarded Code Panel Membership by the NFPA

The American Bimetallic Association is proud to have as its representatives the two newest members of Code Making Panel 6 of the National Electrical Code (NEC) of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Mr. Peter Graser and Mr. Rodrigo O’Byrne.

Code Making Panel 6 is comprised of a small group of industry experts whose purview is wiring methods and materials for our nation's residential, commercial and industrial electrical installations. The NEC is the foremost guide both in North and South America for electrical safety and has been adopted into law by the vast majority of jurisdictions throughout both continents. For the NFPA Standards Council to create new positions to give bimetals a voice in electrical code making speaks volumes to the legitimacy of our association’s mission.  Our representatives will actively participate in Code making, argue positions favorable to bimetals, and be present as the experts for our industry.